Am I the only one who lets life get away from them...?
I realize that's a rhetorical question, but honestly, sometimes I feel that I just let the busyness of my day to day activities fly by me like a freight train while I desperately try to hang on to the bumper of the caboose. Once I feel like I get a handle on one area of my life, I sadly look at the other areas that have fallen behind.
Lately, I have been on a Clean Sweep/Organization Mania frenzy. While this is probably the most beneficial focus I could have, it has caused me to let the fun areas of my life slide by. Blogging, crafting, decorating research, treasure hunting... it's all gone to the wayside. I keep telling myself, "don't worry, self, once the house has been completely organized, the upkeep will be minimal and I will be able to focus on the fun stuff! Well, naturally, i struggle with balance and with priorities... and am realizing I need to focus on the "beneficial" AND "fun" stuff.
So, here's to organizing/cleaning AND fun :)
Tips Welcomed...