Santa (otherwise known as my lovely hubby) brought me a Silhouette for Christmas. Oh, how excited I am!! I also find myself in a state of utter confusion in mastering the capabilities this fine piece of crafting equipment offers. I have read page after page of instruction, but am struggling to understand what it all means!
So, you can guess that what I am spending all my free time on, is in fact, the Silhouette. My dreams are to create many lovelies - including wall art for my daughter's rooms and fun glass etching projects - as well as my New Years Resolution (well, one of them), which is to never buy a store bought card again. That's right - my plan is to create every card we give this year - and (yet another New Years Resolution - a borrowed idea from my beautiful sis-in-law) being on top of every one of those lovely events - celebrating every special moment in our loved one's lives (birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, weddings, baby, etc.).
Another Resolution? Organizing my home - top to bottom - ultimately creating a simple living environment...
What's one of your New Years Resolutions?